Use the Batman Effect | Book Notes

How to deal with intense fear of public humiliation or self-doubt which stops us from doing our task?

One research at University of Pennsylvania found that those who were asked to imagine themselves as superheroes or other characters showed significantly better self-control, focus, and perseverance than those who were asked to just go on with their tasks or those who were asked to reflect on their thoughts and feelings while doing their tasks. This is called the Batman Effect.

How to use the Batman effect?

Take an alter ego like Batman, the Flash, Naruto, or Dora the Explorer. Embody their qualities like confidence, bravery, and determination. Visualize yourself transforming into the alternative you. Imagine yourself adopting their posture, voice, and mindset.

Use a mantra for reminding yourself of their qualities. For example: I am confident. I am fearless. I am unstoppable.

When we embody the traits of a fearless and confident alter ego, we can take on a hidden source of courage and determination which our regular selves might not possess.

This method improves our approach and enables us to overcome the fears that hinder us from starting our tasks.

📒 Feel Good Productivity: Chapter 5: Find Courage

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